2344 products
Rondo Yum Yum Cutter - 35mm x 110mm
  • Stock No: 25685
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
£1,100.00 + VAT
Rondo Yum Yum Cutter - 35mm x 65mm
  • Stock No: BFP 38
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
£1,100.00 + VAT
Rotary pot Filler
  • Stock No: MU159828
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
  • Condition: Trade Sale - As Is
£12,500.00 + VAT
Round Square / Triangle Guillotine Tool - 88mm Diameter
  • Stock No: 799975
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
£800.00 + VAT
Russell Finex Sieve
  • Stock No: 162985
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
£2,850.00 + VAT
Russell Finex Sieve Screens
  • Stock No: 183127
  • Variety of Mesh Sizes Available
£350.00 + VAT
Rykarrt Two Roller Fat and Butter Extruder
  • Stock No: 053526
  • Condition: Trade Sale - As Is
£6,250.00 + VAT
Salva Reach-in 1 Door Mobile Bakery Prover - 22 Trays
  • Model No: AR22
  • Adjustable Humidity Levels
  • Max Temperature 90°C
  • Single Phase Electrical Supply
  • Suitable for 18" x 30" or 40cm x 60cm Trays
£2,995.00 + VAT
Sancassiano 60kg Spiral Mixer
  • Stock No: 137311
  • Model No: F3X
  • 2 Timers and 2 Speeds
  • Condition: Trade Sale - As Is
  • Manufactured in Italy
£2,450.00 + VAT
Sancassiano Removable Bowl 300kg Spiral Mixer
  • Stock No: 25665
  • Model No: SE300
  • 2 Timers and 2 Speeds
  • Condition: Refurbished
  • Manufactured in Italy
  • Supplied with 1 Bowl
£22,500.00 + VAT
Sancassiano Spiral Mixer Bowl
  • Stock No: 140191
  • Model No: SE300
  • Compatible with Model SE300
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
£3,850.00 + VAT
Sancassiano Spiral Mixer Bowl
  • Stock No: 140062
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
£3,250.00 + VAT
Sancassiano Spiral Mixer Bowl
  • Stock No: 163673
  • Model No: Fits SE80
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
£1,950.00 + VAT
Sancassiano Twin Tool 600 Litre Planetary Mixer
  • Stock No: 50
  • Model No: PLTC 600
  • Condition: Trade Sale - As Is
  • Manufactured in Italy
  • Supplied with 2 Bowls
£48,500.00 + VAT
Sancassiano Twin Tool Planetary Mixer
  • Stock No: 163671
  • Model No: PLT200
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
  • Includes 2 Sets of Tooling
  • Manufactured in Italy
  • Supplied with 3 Bowls
£42,500.00 + VAT
Sandore 2 or 3 Lane Twin Product Extruder
  • Model No: New Fantasy 80
  • 2 or 3 Lane Output
  • Manufactured in Italy
  • Optional Auto-Tray Loading
  • Optional Stamping and Guillotine
  • Suitable for Hard and Sticky Products
Sandore 4 Lane Twin Product Extruder
  • Model No: BS4
  • Manufactured in Italy
  • Optional Auto-Tray Loading
  • Optional Stamping and Guillotine
  • Suitable for Hard and Sticky Products
  • Up to 4 Lane Output