2339 products
Erika Record BDM - 30 Piece
  • Stock No: 183411
  • Model No: TYPE 1
  • 30 Piece Model
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
  • Supplied with 2 Moulding Plates
£3,650.00 + VAT
Esmach BDM - 30 Piece
  • Stock No: 159502
  • 30 Piece Model
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
  • Supplied with 2 Moulding Plates
£3,650.00 + VAT
Esmach Removable Bowl 200kg Spiral Mixer
  • Stock No: 183358
  • 2 Timers and 2 Speeds
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
  • Digital Control Panel
  • Supplied with 2 Bowls
£11,500.00 + VAT
Euroflow Denester - Single Lane
  • Stock No: 147778
  • Condition: Serviced
  • Single Lane Model
£4,650.00 + VAT
Eurofours 10 Tray (40cm x 60cm Trays) Bake Off Oven
  • Stock No: 137081
  • Model No: RP10A10-A1
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
  • Suitable for 40cm x 60cm Trays
  • Three Phase Electrical Supply
£3,650.00 + VAT
Eurofours 4 Tray (18" x 30" Trays) Bake Off Oven
  • Stock No: 165062
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
  • Suitable for 18" x 30" Trays
  • Three Phase Electrical Supply
£1,650.00 + VAT
Eurofours 4 Tray (40cm x 60cm Trays) Bake Off Oven
  • Stock No: 159671
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
  • Suitable for 40cm x 60cm Trays
  • Three Phase Electrical Supply
£1,550.00 + VAT
Europa 1 Rack Gas Oven
  • Stock No: 159555
  • Model No: Gallileo
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
  • Suitable for 18" x 30" Trays
£6,750.00 + VAT
Evolution Label Applicator
  • Stock No: 106549
  • Model No: 160
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
£1,750.00 + VAT
Excel Meat Slicer
  • Stock No: 183285
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
£350.00 + VAT
Faggiolati Pump
  • Stock No: 137259
  • Condition: Ex- Display, New Unused
£2,850.00 + VAT
Faggiolati Submersible Pump
  • Stock No: 106629
  • Model No: X271T3VS-K50LA4
  • Condition: Ex- Display, New Unused
£850.00 + VAT
Falcon Electric Griddle - Tabletop
  • Stock No: 25631
  • Model No: 350
£300.00 + VAT
Falcon Electric Griddle - Tabletop
  • Stock No: 25626
  • Model No: 350
£300.00 + VAT
Farleygreene Compact Sieve
  • Stock No: 137090
  • Condition: Ex- Display, New Unused
  • Manufactured in the UK
£950.00 + VAT
Feltracon Flume Washer
  • Stock No: 162894
  • Model No: 60M
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
  • Full Stainless-Steel Construction
£9,500.00 + VAT
Ferneto 40 Litre Planetary Mixer
  • Stock No: 159631
  • Model No: BTF040
  • Condition: Good Ex-Bakery
  • Supplied with a Bowl, Beater and Whisk
  • Supplied with Safety Guard
£2,750.00 + VAT
Fernetto BDM - 30 Piece
  • Stock No: 137092
  • Model No: DSF030
  • 30 Piece Model
  • Condition: Serviced
  • Supplied with 2 Moulding Plates
£3,950.00 + VAT
Fernetto Manual Retail Bread Slicer - 14mm Thickness
  • Stock No: C443989
  • Condition: Refurbished
  • Single Phase Electrical Supply
  • Slice Thickness: 14mm
£1,450.00 + VAT
Firex Baskett Mixing Boiling Pan
  • Model No: Baskett
  • Available Capacities: 80, 105, 130, 180, 250, 320, 500 Litres
  • Built in Stirrer with Scrapers
  • Optional Tap Outlet
  • Temperature Range: 50°C - 100°C