Scottish Bakers 40 Group Study Tour to Italy

We had a great time last week taking 11 bakers, from 10 different bakeries across Scotland to Verona, Italy.
Scottish Bakers 40 group run annual study tours across Europe visiting bakeries, manufacturers and ingredients suppliers and this year we were delighted to host the trip.
The 5 day visit included equipment trials, product demonstrations, a visit to a traditional bakery and a tour of a high end flour mill. The delegates also got to watch and join an Italian master baker demonstrate producing many traditional Italian products and, as if that wasn’t enough, visits to equipment production facilities and a much needed sightseeing day at Lake Garda.
Northern Italy is renowned for its bakery equipment companies, many of which are family owned and have been long established, and this trip included backlot tour as it were of the Polin factories which are centered in beautiful Verona.
Delegates included representatives from various sized businesses in Scotland who are all members of Scottish Bakers, some of their thoughts on the tour include.
Garry Borthwick
Ashers Bakery
This trip was a look into modern Italy with Polin who are at the forefront of producing some innovative but yet practical equipment for all parts of the bakery industry
Brook Food were great hosts showing us the best in Italy from new equipment, to great sights and great food. A fantastic four days going back to Scotland with loads of ideas and good memories
Russell McGhee
D McGhee and Sons Ltd
The trip has been fantastic, as well as being great fun it's been highly educational getting an insight on some of the machines used every day in our trade.
Graeme Ford
The Premium Bakery
The Polin factory visit was excellent and a great chance to see their machinery in action. The demonstrations were well done and we were shown how adaptable they are to produce traditional Scottish products. The Flour mill visit was interesting and was a great introduction to soft flour milling.
We were up in the middle of the night to see a Richmond baker in action and it didn't disappoint. The quality of hand crafted traditional breads being produced was a highlight of the trip.